Jesper Møller LarsenAalborg Utility, Head of Utilities
Jesper Møller has great insight, vision, and years of experience developing the energy sector in a greener, more efficient, and more secure direction. Today is responsible for supplying Aalborg with district heating, district cooling and city gas together with almost 100 skilled and committed employees.

Łukasz KopijLERTA, R&D Manager
Łukasz Kopij has almost 15 years of experience developing and implementing automatics measurement systems in civil engineering, energy-efficient buildings, IIoT, IoT, E-mobility, and PV. He was a leader and R&D Manager in many R&D commercial and EU funding projects. Actually, he is the R&D Manager in Lerta SA, responsible for Data Science, Hardware, and Embedded teams.

Johann BinderBurgenlandischer Energieagentur Technologiezentrum, Chairman
Johann Binder is the coordinator of the Energy Strategy of Burgenland and project manager of regional and European energy-related projects concerning energy efficiency and renewable energy. Furthermore, he has been a board member of Burgenland’s ecology fund and advisor for Burgenland’s energy development since 1995.

Juan Ignacio Rodríguez Fernández-ArroyoINEGA, Director of the Energy Department
Juan Ignacio Rodríguez Fernández is a mining engineer who specialized in energy at the University of Vigo (Spain). He has more than 15 years of professional experience in energy efficiency, sustainability and energy use from renewable sources in buildings and industry. Currently, he is the Director of the Energy Department in the Instituto Enerxético de Galicia – INEGA.

Giovanni BorgarelloEducational Sector, Piedmont Region (Italy)
Giovanni Borgarello has worked for Pracatinat s.c.p.a., a nationally renowned Environmental and Sustainability Education Laboratory, since 1984, covering various pedagogical coordination and business development roles. Since 2017, he has worked at the Piedmont Region Education Department as a contact person for EAS. In particular, he is involved in defining the educational and training dimension of the Regional Strategy for Sustainability.

Christian ByrjalsenHead of Office, Aalborg Energicenter, Aalborg Forsyning, Energy division
Christian is currently a Head of Office of Aalborg Energicenter A/S, Aalborg Energikoncern A/S. His responsibility is so far to reach energy savings by a total sum of 62.5 GWh. Some of the work fields at Aalborg Energicenter also concerns district cooling and energy management. As for his education after receiving his Master of Science in Indoor environmental engineering from Aalborg Universitet, he obtained a Diploma of Leadership (2012) from University College Nordjylland.

Steen Schelle JensenHead of Business Development, Kamstrup A/S
With a long track in Kamstrup, Steen is responsible of the business development within data-driven solutions and services for the District Energy industry. He is responsible for Public and Regulatory affairs and member of the Heat/Coorling Business Unit and Management Team.